
Imagine someone asks you: ‘Where do you live?’
‘The Simple Life.’
‘Not what, where?’
‘That’s the name of my town: The Simple Life.’
‘Oh. What’s it like?’
‘Simple. Life. The. Really.’

Notes on 42 towns and counting

The Simple Life

Focus: The simple life

This idea is really a reaction to having thought up so many towns with elaborate features and tasks and purposes.

I kind of needed something else, something that just is.

I guess that there are people who would like nothing better than to always lead a simple life, provided it doesn’t come with much insecurity.

Others might choose to occasionally stay in The Simple Life for a breather and for a life in a place that simply let’s you be.

While I do see a lot of people who would seek some kind of solitude in this town, there would also be squares where people can cook, read or even dance together when the mood takes them.

Simplicity means to get by on little, but it also means to make sure that there is enough food for the community, very likely achieved through local farming.

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